Studio Directions
The studio is located at:
212 Avalon Ln
Greenville NC
Please bring any song(s) you would like to work on: sheet music is best, but if you don't have that than bring the song on an ipod or phone and print the lyrics if you need them. I also suggest bringing something to record the lesson so it can be used for rehearsal, there are lots of free recording apps for smart phones or a small handheld recorder works as well.
Studio Policies
Lesson Reschedule/Cancellation
If a lesson is cancelled or rescheduled for any reason: 48hrs Notice to the studio must be given: notice includes e-mail, text, phone call, and/or voicemail. Students who cancel without notice will be billed for the lesson in full. In case of emergency or acute illness make up lessons may be provided at the teacher's discretion.
If I must cancel a lesson: the same 48hrs Notice will be given with the exception of emergency and acute illness. If ill, I will alert students of cancelled lessons at least 1 hour before the day’s first scheduled lesson.
In case of inclement weather: the teacher will notify students of cancelled lessons at least 1 hour before the day’s first scheduled lesson. School cancellations do not automatically result in studio closure.
Make Up’s: Make up lessons due to student cancellation, teacher cancellation, or inclement weather will be done at the teacher’s convenience.
*It is the student's responsibility to read all Studio Policies in full. Booking a lesson assures policies have been read and agreed upon by both teacher and student.*